Friday 17 December 2010

Lectra pattern-cutting

Pattern-cutting has always inspired me and I know how pain full is the proses of making pattens. You have to stand up all day just to work out the master pattern. But now we have learned that it can be easier by just a press of a button.

I learned

  • How to digitize the pattern in to computer
  • Making notch and drill holes
  • Taking a copy of a pattern and making a new one
  • Measuring all the seams
  • Slash and spread
  • Adding seam allowances
  • Circle skirts
  • Adding sizes and other essential information
  • Grading
  • Printing out the pattern

Contextual studies

We have already started working on our next year dissertation. As part of unit we are to check and read all news papers news channels and magazine for news. And come back and discus and analyse among us on the next future trends. From this proses I have learned a great deal of knowledge. It has inspired me to educate myself more about how the fashion world works at its best and how we can make bigger and better then its ever been. I think we should have more and more of these kind of classes. They are the best!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Preperation for placement

Today we were given a new brief on the next project of Work placement. As part of the unit we are to find a 4 week placement in our chosen area of the fashion industry.

I learned...

  • How to do a professional CV for the fashion
  • On the CV you can put your illustrations and other flat drawings
  • I learned from the given examples in the class on how to keep a diary off all the work I do for them.

I would have liked to see some of the portfolio examples and and how to make them look professional.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Power Point presentation

I have learned how to do a power point presentation which I always wanted to learn. I found it very easy and useful and it also very eco friendly.

Monday 13 December 2010


I learned the classic way of making a tailored jacket. I have enjoyed these classes very much. The lining of the jacket is very difficult to put in and would need a lot of practising. I also learned how to do a haring bow stitch also known as the fishbone stitch.

Friday 10 December 2010

Jacket block

Last month we covered some major parts of the course. For me they were very important as i want to do this as a profession in the future.
Making a jacket block was very exiting! In my pattern-cutting classes I learned how to make a jacket Block collar and lapel. I learned how easily you can change the shape of a jacket by simple and easy way. In these classes I found out from my tutor that pattern-cutting is a form of engineering and you can easily learn new things by studding other garments. The exercise was really helpful I tried to make different shapes of collars and lapels.

Thursday 9 December 2010


vintage pretty

Zolibeau was started seven months ago by sisters Julia Harris, Sarah Valentin and their mum Linda Kelly.

With a passion for recycling, and a frustration with 'throw away fashion', they began to reinvent their own clothing by transforming charity shop items and clothes swap finds to revive their wardrobes.

With a collective background of fashion, music and art, they all bring a different element to Zolibeau which is then reflected in the gorgeous clothing they produce together. They have ranges for both women and men, recycled from the best quality second hand clothing, deconstructed, sometimes re-cut and completely transformed into a new product, which can be found on their website, as well as many of the local markets and craft fares.

Sunday 5 December 2010

My work experiances

I have worked in the past with few designers and I'm little bit familiar with the fashion industry. My first work experience was back in June 2009 with a high end designer Nicola De Main.
I found the job on the Internet and e-mailed straight away. I had a small interview with her and I got the job. At that time it was easy because i was already doing interviews with the uni for higher education and also my portfolio was up to date. I worked with her for 7 weeks. My main job was to create first patterns and make toils also the journal day to day helping in the studio. I worked with the group five women and learned a lot of things.

My second internship was Last summer in June 2010 with a high designer Amilio De la Morena. I worked for him for 5 weeks. I enjoyed my worked there alot.
All of his staff was professionally qualified people, which meant that I could see everything done done up to very high standard and no cutting corners.

when I was working for Amilio I joined Lucy Tammam. She is a bridal wear designer. I worked with her through out summer and now going to join her again for the Xmas holidays.