Sunday 5 December 2010

My work experiances

I have worked in the past with few designers and I'm little bit familiar with the fashion industry. My first work experience was back in June 2009 with a high end designer Nicola De Main.
I found the job on the Internet and e-mailed straight away. I had a small interview with her and I got the job. At that time it was easy because i was already doing interviews with the uni for higher education and also my portfolio was up to date. I worked with her for 7 weeks. My main job was to create first patterns and make toils also the journal day to day helping in the studio. I worked with the group five women and learned a lot of things.

My second internship was Last summer in June 2010 with a high designer Amilio De la Morena. I worked for him for 5 weeks. I enjoyed my worked there alot.
All of his staff was professionally qualified people, which meant that I could see everything done done up to very high standard and no cutting corners.

when I was working for Amilio I joined Lucy Tammam. She is a bridal wear designer. I worked with her through out summer and now going to join her again for the Xmas holidays.

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