Sunday 30 January 2011

Luxury fabrics

Sewing fake fur
  • Do not iron fake fur it can burn easily from the heat.
  • When lining try to iron only the lining side with a lot of care.

Working with luxury fabrics

In my first week of work placement I learned a number of things when working with the luxury fabrics.

Cutting leather
  • There is no grain line on leather, which means you can cut anywhere on the material.
  • Do not pin the pattern on leather, it leaves marks. To minimize the damage chalk the pattern pieces on to the leather piece.
  • Avoid any damaged or creased areas on the leather. Customers don’t like it, and they tend to return the item as damaged, used or old.
  • Notches should be no more then 2mm.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


There were 10 other members working along side with me. We were all given different job rolls to be clear of what is each person doing. We all had to keep contact with each other all the time and support one other to get the job done.

With this experience I learned a lot about team working and how important it is to be a good team member. There were a number of things which I think are important to know when working in a team.

  • Listening

  • Asking questions - making sense of your own understanding

  • Explaining by telling how and why

  • Helping others

  • Sharing knowledge

  • Reflecting on and making use of what has been said

  • Good communication skills

  • Allowing everyone to contribute

  • Pulling ideas together - sharing, listening, valuing all contributions

  • Finding out if the group is ready to make a decision - consensus making.

Sunday 9 January 2011

I'm an artist

I love working on photo-shop and always find some thing new to learn. I made some patterns with photo-shop and aplyed it to the the figgers it looks amazing.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Time Management

My time management is really bad and I need to work on it.

I found some websites to help myself and learn new techniques which will help me in the future with my other projects.

Sunday 2 January 2011


I worked with lucy throughout the summer of 2010 and now i'm going back to work with her in the xmas holidays.

I learned

  • Pattern making on the stand with paper
  • Lay planing

I also have a lot of practise in her studio in sewing, pattern

making and fabric cutting