Tuesday 25 January 2011


There were 10 other members working along side with me. We were all given different job rolls to be clear of what is each person doing. We all had to keep contact with each other all the time and support one other to get the job done.

With this experience I learned a lot about team working and how important it is to be a good team member. There were a number of things which I think are important to know when working in a team.

  • Listening

  • Asking questions - making sense of your own understanding

  • Explaining by telling how and why

  • Helping others

  • Sharing knowledge

  • Reflecting on and making use of what has been said

  • Good communication skills

  • Allowing everyone to contribute

  • Pulling ideas together - sharing, listening, valuing all contributions

  • Finding out if the group is ready to make a decision - consensus making.

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